IntelligentM: Preventing Healthcare Acquired Infections with Wearables

IntelligentM is creating a wearable tracking device to remind and encourage healthcare professionals to practice good hygiene in hospitals and outpatient settings. Healthcare Acquired Infections (HAIs) cost the US Healthcare system roughly $30 billion a year – and on average over 10% of most hospital systems’ operating budgets are spent on controlling the spread of infections. IntelligentM’s smart bracelet will be able to track proper hand washing and can also notify the user if he or she did not comply with hygiene rules. The video below explains the importance of reducing HAIs and how iM is solving the problem. I look forward to seeing the working device and hearing hospital feedback.IntelligentM 1[youtube]


MC10: Smart, Ultrathin and Flexible Wearable Sensors


Omada Health: Preventative Medicine, Starting with Diabetes