PUSH: Quantify Your Strength, Track Your Power
People like to exaggerate. “I benched 350 yesterday,” says your office brah’. Now you can tell him to prove it.PUSH is a new wearable device – an armband + a mobile app – that tracks and analyzes your performance at the gym. Specifically targeting strength workouts, PUSH tracks metrics including force, power, balance and consistency of your training and pushes you to train harder or ease up based on your performance. You can use PUSH to track squats, dead lifts, pull ups, bench presses and more – just about your entire CrossFit workout can be monitored. The device straps onto your arm and lets you review your progress on the app in real time. In addition to sharing your results with friends and competing with them, PUSH can create personalized workout routines to best improve your training without overdoing it, preventing injuries.You can check out their Indiegogo campaign and get your PUSH, schedule for April/May 2014 delivery.[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=euGH_ak54Dc&w=420&h=315]